Episode15: How to Read the Bible Every Day—And Enjoy It!

A Proven Approach for Daily Bible Reading

How many times has it happened to you? You know you should read the Bible but you just don’t know how best to do it. Been there, done that.

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Over the many years of coaching Christians to engage the word, I developed a simple acrostic as a framework anyone can use.

Episode 14: 9 Ways the Word Grows Your Faith

Why Engaging the Bible Must Become a Habit

We hear a lot about love these days but not so much about truth. Why is that? Perhaps it is because we as Christians often neglect the source of truth–God himself and His written revelation of Himself–the Bible.

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In this episode, I discuss why it is so important that we engage the Bible each and every day–as a life habit–to prepare for the challenges of living an authentic life.

Episode 13: How to Walk by Faith When Life Looks Scary

Interview with Pastor Dan Nichols about His Son Landon

What happens when you are doing good work for God–planting and building up a new church–and you find out your son will be born without part of his heart?

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Dan and Joy Nichols had to learn how to walk by faith when life didn’t exactly turn out the way they thought it would. If you are facing a faith challenge or know someone who is, I suspect you and they will find this conversation encouraging

Episode 12: Everything Changes When Jesus Speaks

What Jesus Say to All Those Who are Confused, Fearful, and Doubting

On the day if his resurrection, Jesus spoke with three types of people–one who was confused, some who were fearful, and one who wa doubting. But we can learn a lot from not only what He said but how he said it.

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Have ever been or are you presently confused about your life direction? Are you fearful about what lies ahead in life? Are you doubting if what you believed to be true about God is still certain?

If so, then this episode is for you.

Episode 11: The Deafening Sound of Our Silence

What We Say When We Say Nothing at All

I used to think that if I didn’t say anything, I wasn’t saying anything. Now I know better.

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In this episode I discuss the challenges I experience as an introvert who would prefer to keep my thoughts to myself. Over time, I have realized that being silent is not always the best option.

Episode 10: What No One Tells You about a New Life Direction

10 Things You Need to Know Before You Go

I wish someone had told me a few things before I stepped out to pursue a new life direction. But instead I had to learn the hard way. I offer this episode of The FaithWalker’s Podcast in the hopes that you don’t have to.

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If you’d prefer to read a summarized version, click here to visit the site of my friend Ron Edmondson where I sketched out the main lessons learned.

I go into more detail in the podcast, so I encourage you to listen and, hopefully, learn from my experience.

Episode 9: Inside the Process I Use to Cast My Vote

What Christians Should Consider When Deciding on Political Candidates

It’s time for a lot of us to start casting votes in political primaries here in America. I have definite political opinions, but I won’t be sharing them in this episode. Instead I want to share the process I use to select candidates—separate from any political parties or individuals—in the hope that it helps.

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Don’t expect to hear any endorsements for particular candidates in this episode. That isn’t my point here.

Episode 8: How Should Christians Respond to Cultural Persecution?

An Interview with Dr. Russell Moore

I believe there is a war in America on our freedom to believe. That is why I partnered with my co-author to write You Will Be Made to Care: The War on Faith, Family, and Your Freedom to Believe. In writing that book, I had the privilege to have a conversation with Dr. Russell Moore. I thought your faith would be encouraged by my sharing it.

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It’s easy to get discouraged when we look around at our culture that is becoming increasingly hostile toward Christians and traditional values.

Episode 7: How to Bounce Back from a Really Bad Day

6 Steps You Can Take to Keep a Bad Day from becoming a Bad Habit

We’ve all had one–a bad day. I very nearly had one this past week which is what prompted me to talk about it in Episode 7 of The FaithWalker’s Podcast.

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Hopefully, my candid confession and the 6 steps I offer will be of help to you in your Christian walk.

Episode 6: Having the Guts to Pursue What Makes You Come Alive

An Interview with Jonathan Golden of Land of a Thousand Hills Coffee

Ah, java. If you’ve ever had coffee at a Christian conference or in your church, there’s a good chance it might have been served up by Land of a Thousand Hills Coffee. But there is a story behind the company and its founder Jonathan Golden, one that stretches all the way to Rwanda.