Episode 2: What Makes Your Story Worth Telling? [Podcast]

Finding the Focus of Your Faith and Why It Matters

Where you focus your faith will determine the value of your life story. It’s that simple. And that complex.

Episode 2 continues to build the foundation for living a story worth telling with a special emphasis on how faith factors into this journey to live an authentic life with abundant faith as followers of Jesus Christ.

Have you ever felt that you needed to apologize for being a “person of faith”? Today’s episode explains why living by faith is the normal way to live for everyone.

Don’t forget my definition of faith: Faith is doing what you believe to be true, often in spite of what you see, sense or feel.

I mention my book A Story Worth Telling: Your Field Guide to Living an Authentic Life if you want to dive deeper into what it means to truly live a life of abundant faith.

Three Steps to Get Clear on the Focus of Your Faith

The three steps I challenge you to take to figure out the faith connection:

  1. Be brave enough to ask the question why?
  2. Ask yourself this question: so what?
  3. Use the if… then paradigm.

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And never forget that you are not alone.

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