How We Can Help Syrian Refugees this Christmas

3 Things We Can Do Right Now to Make a Difference

Many of you FaithWalkers know I have been critical of how our nation has handled the Syrian refugee crisis. But that does not mean I do not care about the families who are running for their lives from the evil that is ISIS.

It has been challenging to know what to do to help them where they are. But I am proposing some simple steps we can take as we head into Christmas.

We can make a difference right now for these refugees in the name of Jesus by doing 3 things.

Click here to read my post at Patheos and discover what we can do.

I took some down time with family and friends last week and so my posts have slowed briefly. Look for more in the coming weeks and helpful resources in the coming year.

I am excited about the journey ahead and especially about the new FaithWalkers podcast coming in January.

Thanks to all who have responded to my emails to give input on topics and questions to address.

See you out on the trail….

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive, off-topic, or otherwise unhelpful.