Make Like Lazarus— A Marriage Read from Mark Youngkin

A failed marriage can leave both parties feeling discouraged, heartbroken, and hopeless.

Many Christians struggle with the idea of divorce and how to overcome it. The thought of disappointing God through the divorce or even the potential of having a failed second marriage can be disheartening.

As a husband and father of six awesome kids, I can’t imagine going through divorce and the negative impact it would have on my family as well as me personally.

I have been blessed with a strong marriage, but that doesn’t just happen by accident.

Make Like Lazarus:A Biblical Perspective of Divorce and Remarriage from Mark Youngkin is a phenomenal read for anyone who has or is experiencing the burden of divorce.

Mark shares his own personal experience in a way that is intriguing and relatable to the reader by tying his experience with marriage after divorce to the story of Lazarus. He shares the biblical truths about divorce, even the one many people like to put out of their minds: God hates divorce.

While candidly explaining this truth, Mark shows how loving and faithful God is even through divorce. He offers real and practical ways for the reader to get his or her relationship back on track with God, or what he calls “returning to your first love”.

Mark takes the reader through the steps of rekindling a relationship with God, God’s perspective on divorce, getting back into the dating game, and creating a successful, healthy marriage. By providing real examples of how he and his wife have created a strong marriage after his previous divorce, the reader is able to effectively implement Mark’s teachings into his or her own life.

The reader is given ways to increase healing from divorce and given the opportunity to learn from previous mistakes and how to use those lessons to create a better second marriage.

This book is essential for anyone who is, plans to be, or was married. There are principles and wisdom within these pages that can be applied at any stage of marriage and can help create a healthier—existing or future—marriage.

A healthy marriage doesn’t just happen. It requires effort on both sides. Be proactive and use this book to guide you no matter where you may be on your marriage journey.

Get your copy of Make Like Lazarus here


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