When God created each of us, he gave us a will, and that beautiful and mysterious inner life we call the soul. Just as you would want to give your growing son or daughter room to make his or her own decisions, God steps back a bit to let us make ours.

These simple moments of decision are filled with significance. When I choose to avoid whatever it is God has brought up, something in me weakens. Something feels compromised. It is at least a refusal to mature. But it also feels like a refusal to step toward God.

Thankfully, the opposite is true. When I choose to face the uncertain, admit the neglect or enter into my fears, something in me grows up a little bit. I feel strengthened. The scales tip toward a closer walk with God.

Whatever else we do with these moments, let us be honest about one thing—there is no getting to it later. We don’t get to it later. It simply goes away. And I wonder—how often do we say to ourselves, “I’ll simply do it later,” knowing that it will never happen, and thus we appease our conscience in the moment and avoid the issue, let it slip away under the ruse of “later.”

So, how do we walk with God in the day to day, in the moment? We go with it. Now. As it is unfolding. That is the only way to have any real relationship with Jesus Christ.