When Words Matter

More about My Writing and Such

Living with authentic faith affects all our lives. It has to.

So I write on issues of faith, leadership, culture and public life (sometimes called politics) because I do not believe we can separate what we believe to be true from how we live and function in and as a society.

Explore my blog on faith, culture, and church issues at FaithWalkers at Patheos.

In addition to my own writing efforts, I enjoy engaging in and excel at collaborative writing projects (sometimes referred to as ghostwriting).

Contact me to talk about collaborative writing projects.

As a content creator and instructional designer, I work with organizations and individuals to hone their message and make their stories resonate with their audience.

I specialize in developing content related to faith, leadership, business, and cultural issues.  If you or your organization need a creative writing and platform-building partner you can trust, we should talk.

Don’t just say it. Make it resonate.

Contact me to discover more about the possibilities of partnering with me.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive, off-topic, or otherwise unhelpful.