Are You too Busy to Hear What God Wants Next?

6 Truths We Must Believe to Restore Limits in our Lives

One reason we struggle to discover God’s direction for our lives — a reason we seldom talk about — is that we are trying to do too much. We’re so overloaded and over-committed that we’re not able to listen for what God wants next with the faith of a child.

The purpose of this blog is to help you live an authentic life. To do that, I have to be authentic about my journey.

And right now, I am overloaded.

Combine a book launch with a few delays on other key projects and my tendency to be over-committed and you have the perfect example of trying to cram too much into too little time. It’s all really good, Kingdom-advancing stuff. But I confess I’m struggling to make my problems line up for me, a John Maxwell principle I’ve always tried to live by.

I had a vivid dream the other night that served as a not so-subtle reminder of what happens when I try to do it all.