What to Do When Your Spouse Disagrees about Your Calling

7 Reminders to Help Get on the Same Page with Your Spouse

You think you know the direction God would have you to go. You believe you have clarity about your next steps to do what God designed you to do. You may even want to leave your current job and step out in a new direction. But your spouse doesn’t see it. What do you do?

A reader actually sent me this question recently. It’s one I receive fairly frequently from Christians trying to figure out God’s best for their lives. And it is an important one.

One Thing You Can Always Expect When Stepping Out

Why the "Open Door" Method of Determining God's Will Doesn't Work

Stepping out before you know how it all turns out—that’s what faith is all about. But many Christians embrace the false notion that it should be easy, or at least simple. And if it’s not, God isn’t in it.

But when we look at Scripture, nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, there is one thing we know we will encounter every time we change direction in life—resistance.

Episode 19: How to Hear God in the Ordinary and Live What We Hear

An Interview with Keith R. Anderson, Author of A Spirituality of Listening

How careful are you to listen in to what God is saying to you in the ordinary of life? The good news is that God is speaking all the time. The bad news is we often don’t take time to listen.

If you are reading this in email, listen online at FaithWalkers now.

Episode 19 is a real treat—an interview with author Keith R. Anderson about his new book A Spirituality of Listening: Live What We Hear.

How to Pursue Your Authentic Life Adventure

7 Steps to Take When Stepping Out in a New Life Direction

So you want to step out in a new life direction. But you’re afraid. That’s normal. Fear often keeps us from moving forward. What if I showed you the steps needed to move forward with clarity, confidence, and abundant faith to live an authentic life adventure?

First let me acknowledge that I did not follow all of the steps I am about to share with you—not intentionally anyway. Some I had to learn the hard way.

How to Find Your Authentic Life Direction

5 Suggestions For Clarity & Confidence in a New Life Direction

Do you know where you are headed next in life? Do you know where you should be headed next? If you’re like a lot of us, you may have accidentally fallen into a life direction instead of intentionally choosing your best path.

But it doesn’t have to be that way. In fact, it shouldn’t be that way.

God created each one of us with unique strengths, passions, and skills sets. He gave us each unique relationship connections that open doors of opportunity unavailable to others.

And He expects us to use it all to more fully reveal His majesty on earth as it is in heaven.

What You Need to Know When Your Life Direction Gets Tough

You Can Choose Your Response to Resistance

When you’re thinking about stepping out in a new life direction, you should get advice. But be careful whom you ask for input.  Not everyone is qualified to give you guidance about stepping out by faith.

I mention the need to get wise and experienced counsel in Episode 10 of  The FaithWalker’s Podcast.

There may be voices in our life that we respect, but if they have never attempted to do what we are contemplating, we should take their input with a grain of salt.

What to Expect When You Step Out in a New Life Direction

The Easy Path Isn’t Always the Right Path

When you’re considering stepping out in a new life direction, you should not expect it to always be easy. There is a learning curve that each of us must experience at the start of anything new.

The curve can be scary when you’re in it, even bewildering and disorienting. That is normal.

Let me repeat that: it is normal to find the curve to be challenging.

Following your new life direction will be scary at times. You will experience turbulence.

When you step out in a new life direction it is almost always going to be harder than you thought it would be.

Episode 4: Why Must It Be So Challenging to Walk by Faith?

5 Ways the Faith Process Helps Us Grow

Why does this Christian walk have to be so difficult with so many ups and downs? Couldn’t God just get it done already and save us all the hardships along the way to becoming more like Christ?

Episode 2: What Makes Your Story Worth Telling? [Podcast]

Finding the Focus of Your Faith and Why It Matters

Where you focus your faith will determine the value of your life story. It’s that simple. And that complex.

Episode 2 continues to build the foundation for living a story worth telling with a special emphasis on how faith factors into this journey to live an authentic life with abundant faith as followers of Jesus Christ.

Have you ever felt that you needed to apologize for being a “person of faith”? Today’s episode explains why living by faith is the normal way to live for everyone.

Don’t forget my definition of faith: Faith is doing what you believe to be true, often in spite of what you see, sense or feel.

I mention my book A Story Worth Telling: Your Field Guide to Living an Authentic Life if you want to dive deeper into what it means to truly live a life of abundant faith.

Three Steps to Get Clear on the Focus of Your Faith

The three steps I challenge you to take to figure out the faith connection:

  1. Be brave enough to ask the question why?
  2. Ask yourself this question: so what?
  3. Use the if… then paradigm.

Please leave a comment below with your thoughts and subscribe to the podcast via iTunes.

And never forget that you are not alone.

The Seventh Secret You Need to Know about God’s Will

We Won’t Hear God’s Voice if We’re Not in the Habit of Listening

Have you ever faced a key life decision and wondered why God wasn’t giving you clear direction? I mean, how hard would it be for Him to rent a billboard or at least shoot you an e-mail to say, “Click here to know what to do next.”

Doesn’t God own the data on a thousand servers as much as He owns the cattle on a thousand hills? I confess that I have never needed any cattle, but I sure could have used an email with divine direction at key times in life.

When we don’t hear clear direction from God, why is it we always assume it is God’s fault?